Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This YouTube video talks about global warming and it's effects on earth. YouTube is a video sharing website. You can upload and share videos. I have used similar YouTube videos to this one, on global warming to stimulate students interest, get them focused, and inform them on a topic. There is such a wide range of videos that you can use to get your point or information across to students. However you can spend a lot of time trying to find just the right video.

The University of California Berkeley actually uploads all of their lectures to youtube now for students to watch. "Berkeley officials claimed in a statement that the university is the first to make full course lectures available on YouTube. The school said that over 300 hours of videotaped courses will be available at".

So not only could there be very usful you youtube videos online but a teacher or educator could upload a lesson review for any students that missed the lesson. Durrand believes, "video sharing online has great educational potential". He goes on to say that not only can you post lesson summaries, you could record a science experiment or something similar and post that on youtube or even interviews could be posted. He also believes "video, perhaps more than any other medium, has the power to engage, enlighten, and fascinate your students".

Durrand, E,. (2009). YouTube in Education?. How Teachers can use Video Sharing for Teaching. computer source retrieved 15th Augast 2009 from

Williams, R,. (2007). youtube as a teaching tool. computer source retrieved 12th Augast 2009 from

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